Sunday, June 28, 2009

War In Our Time - 1938

Well this is my other WIF 5 Campaign i've always wanted to author. It's based around the idea that the 1938 Munich Conference broke down and Hitler went for war with Czech under the notion that neither the British or French would interfere. Historically he was actually talked out of this by his generals and advisors, but apparently only just as after his first meetings with Chamberlain he rationalized that the west was so week it would do nothing.

It starts with the forces in the size and probable locations there we in, in September 1938. Germany is still rearming so the Czechs will be a hard task to tackle, given they are better armed and on better terrain than the Poles were a year later against a much larger Wehrmacht. France and Britains military are in appalling share, but the Royal Naval has even more of an edge. The USSR is in the middle of the worst purges and is in no state to do much of anything, whilst America is totally asleep at the wheel. Japan is still inching forward in China, but is rapidly expanding its fleet.

Anyway, here it is -

Saturday, June 27, 2009

WIF 5 Fortresses

Here's a small post of a set of rules to make Gibraltar and Singapore a little more realistic in WIF 5 terms. They mainly cover air rules for Gibraltar and the lack of the channel around the back of Singapore. It's chrome, but realistic historical chrome, so the best sort.

Here is the PDF of the rules .

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Their Finest Hour - 1940

Below is a link to the campaign "Their Finest Hour - 1940". This is an attempt at a World in Flames 5th Edition campaign that has as its starting point the first week of July 1940. France has just surrendered and Vichy France is in existence. The German army and Luftwaffe is spread throughout France and the low countries whilst the Kreigsmarine is a shadow of its former self as a result of the Norwegian campaign.

The Commonwealth stands alone having to parry a possible Sealion, a thrust into Spain or a general axis advance in the Med. Italy is off balance after belatedly entering the war against France, it must now position itself for a war against the Commonwealth in the Med. Japan struggles on in China whilst Russia and the USA slumber on....

This campaign places everyone in the position of the first week of July 1940. German options are many whilst Commonwealth worries equal them.

I hope you enjoy. Please post any comments or possible changes here..... I will try to keep it updated with suggestions....